Groundhog Removal


Hello there, we understand how unsettling it can be to discover a groundhog burrow on your property. At Quick Pest Control, we’re not just in the business of wildlife removal; we’re in the business of creating a safe haven for you. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to ensuring your outdoor space is free from these unexpected guests, so you can enjoy peace of mind.

Why Choose Us for Groundhog Removal:

  1. Specialized Expertise: Our team members aren’t just experts; they’re passionate about understanding groundhog behavior. This knowledge allows us to provide humane and effective solutions.
  2. Humane Approach: We believe in treating all creatures with kindness. Our removal methods prioritize the well-being and safety of the groundhogs, ensuring they are relocated to a suitable natural habitat.
  3. Safe and Environmentally-Friendly Methods: Your safety and the environment are our top priorities. We use advanced, eco-friendly methods that target groundhogs while minimizing any impact on your health and surroundings.
  4. Guaranteed Results: We’re so confident in our abilities that if groundhogs return after our removal, we’ll be back to re-evaluate and re-address the situation at no additional cost.

Our Groundhog Removal Process:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: We leave no stone unturned. Our team carefully examines every inch to identify groundhog burrows, entry points, and areas of high groundhog activity.
  2. Safe Capture and Relocation: We employ safe and humane trapping methods to capture groundhogs. Once captured, they are relocated to a suitable natural habitat far from your property.
  3. Preventive Measures: We’re not just about removal. We’ll provide you with advice on how to secure your property against future groundhog intrusions, such as installing barriers and removing attractants.

Common Signs of a Groundhog Infestation:

  • Visible groundhog burrows or holes in your yard.
  • Damage to plants, vegetables, or outdoor structures caused by groundhog feeding.
  • Sightings of groundhogs during daylight hours.


  1. Q: Are your methods safe for children and pets? A: Absolutely. We prioritize the safety of your loved ones. Our removal methods are designed to be safe for both humans and pets.
  2. Q: How long does the removal process take? A: We understand your need for a swift resolution. The duration depends on the number of groundhogs and the complexity of the situation. Our team will provide an estimate during the initial assessment.

Regain Control of Your Outdoor Space:

We’re here to make sure you can enjoy your outdoor haven without the worry of unexpected guests. Reach out to Quick Pest Control today, and let’s take care of the problem together. Your safety and comfort are what matter most to us.